Wrongful Death Attorney in Denver, Colorado

What is considered wrongful death?

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we’ll have people contact our office and

say I’ve heard of the term wrongful

death you know I have heard of this you

know I have a loved one who died what is

a wrongful death and a wrongful death is


um defined as a death that was caused by

the unreasonable conduct of another

person or company that really is the

definition and it may be simpler to

think about it this way if

um if you were in a car crash and

survived but had a broken leg

the person who caused that car crash

would be the person against whom you

would bring your injury claim right and

you would have a negligence claim if

they acted unreasonably and running a

red light or causing that injury the

only thing that’s different than a

wrongful death is instead of the result

or outcome being an injury if the result

or outcome is a death

then instead of calling it just a

negligence case we call it a wrongful

death claim because it invokes then this

wrongful death statute okay and so we’re

referring to it because it is a specific

statutory claim it’s a legal claim that

you actually is in the laws and on the

books in every state and it’s called a

wrongful death statute so we lawyers

refer to as a wrongful death claim it

really is a negligence claim where

somebody died as opposed to being


Denver, CO personal injury attorney Kyle Bachus explains what is considered wrongful death.

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