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mental health disorders and violent
crimes are frequently intertwined with
each other often times if if a person is
charged with a violent offense they may
be suffering from some sort of mental
health disorder if that’s the case or if
there’s even a possibility that that’s
the case it needs to be explored and
investigated from the outset we put a
priority on understanding whether our
clients have any mental health issues
that could have impacted their actions
or LED them to be charged with a crime
if that’s the case we diligently pursue
uh obtaining mental health records and
also working with mental health experts
from the very beginning of the case to
determine if there’s a way to challenge
the case based on a client’s mental
health disorder or seek to mitigate any
of the um consequences of a case where
our clients are suffering from a mental
health issue
Boston, MA criminal defense attorney Dan Gaudet talks about how he can use mental health as a defense in a violent crime case.