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and they take taxes and Social Security
out of your paycheck that you are paying
really for two different things you’re
paying for the retirement benefits that
we expect to get when we hit whatever 65
or 70 but you’re also putting money into
a fund that’s essentially disability
insurance and that’s what Social
Security Disability is or SSDI as it’s
called and that provides benefits
um in particularly social security
monthly type checks for people who
suffer a wide range of injuries when we
look at Social Security cases and just
the way Social Security does they sort
of fall into two buckets social security
has a lengthy list and you can actually
see it online on their website of all of
the types of medical conditions that if
people have them that if they’ve paid
enough into the system and that you know
you’ve worked long enough that you can
receive if you prove to Social Security
the disability the wage loss benefits
they are every type of injury from
psychological to Orthopedic to
neurologic to cancers to asthma you name
it social security has created
um what we call standards or regulations
relating to those but a lot of people
and the majority of people who seek
those benefits don’t fit into that
bucket they fit into the other area
where Social Security looks to see how
old are you
um what’s your ability to work in terms
of how heavy a work can you do can you
do light work medium sedentary Etc
what’s your education and then they
Analyze That and based on your age and
all of those factors you can qualify for
disability benefits so it’s a lengthy
list of conditions that can qualify you
for benefits as well as sort of the more
general area where most people fall but
the other part that people don’t realize
because a lot of people say oh I don’t
need those benefits or whatever is well
first you’ve paid for them so like any
other insurance that you buy if you pay
for it and you have a claim you should
take advantage second if you get hurt
and are on or you’re met or your health
just deteriorates and let’s say you’re
50 years old and you can’t work anymore
well if you don’t work for the next 15
years your Social Security old age
benefit is going to shrink till almost
nothing but if you get this ability uh
coverage you’re found to be disabled
your benefit stays stable all of that
time and you don’t get penalized when
you turn 65 or 67 or whatever age
because you didn’t pay in for those 15
years it’s like those 15 years disappear
plus once you’re disabled for two years
you also qualify for Medicare so you get
medical insurance and there is some
premium toward it but still you’re
getting medical insurance that’s
obviously particularly critical for
people who have disabilities so Social
Security covers a wide range of
conditions most people have no idea just
how broad and from my first job right
out of law school till now so many many
years we’ve been helping people get
those benefits and they’re what you paid
for every week out of your paycheck
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Havertown, PA personal injury attorney Daniel J. Siegel discusses the conditions that qualify for SSDI and SSI.