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I think the biggest misperception people have about sex crimes is assuming that what the victim reports originally is the gospel. And what I mean by that is I will have witnesses and I will see their statement or what they told police on the night of the incident. I will then question them at a preliminary hearing and you’d be surprised at how the story changes. And then you question them at trial and the story has changed again. And that’s not just for the witness but sometimes when you have an eyewitness and I don’t mean someone who’s actually witnessing the assault but maybe a roommate who’s in the same apartment building or someone next door they will contradict the story of the complainant or the victim.
So I think that people often jump to the conclusion that if a woman says they were sexually assaulted it must have happened and it must have happened the way that they said it did. And my experience is quite different than that.
Philadelphia, PA criminal defense attorney Brian Fishman squashes the biggest misperception people have about sex crimes?