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There are definitely advantages to having a female lawyer in a rape case, optically. It just leaves a psychological impression on the jury that if you’re not scared of the client as the female lawyer, they shouldn’t be either. So I always make a point of interacting with my client physically, touching him or her on the shoulder to just show that there’s a rapport. And of course you can’t argue the fact that this person has a female lawyer means that the sex act was consensual, but the jury notices it. Think of it this way. Very often in a rape case, you have a female accuser. Not always, but often. You also often have a female prosecutor, so having a female defense lawyer just kind of levels the playing field, and it does give the jury that psychological impression that that person isn’t dangerous.
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Los Angeles, CA criminal defense attorney Karen L. Goldstein talks about the advantages in hiring a woman to defend a rape charge.
Karen is the recipient of Trial Attorney of the Year 2020, The Jerry Giesler Memorial Award, by the Criminal Courts Bar Association (CCBA).