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And this is a very interesting and I do even before Oberfoell, which is the case that declared the Texas law unconstitutional or around the United States unconstitutional to ban gay marriage, I did a lot of same sex partnership agreements and custody issues. And I’m waiting for the case and I know it’s out there where we have maybe a common law marriage before the law was declared unconstitutional in which one spouse amassed a great fortune. And then we had a legal marriage and so what does the retroactivity of that common law marriage, maybe they had a civil union or they had a marriage ceremony but it wasn’t legal how does that apply? Can we have a retroactive common law marriage now that the law is unconstitutional? And that is not a legal, that case has not been decided yet and so I think that’s an interesting aspect. At the time of this video, same sex marriage has been legal for less than two years and we haven’t seen a lot of divorces yet. I actually did one today a temporary hearing on a same sex divorce but it’s gonna take a minute for that to cycle. And so I haven’t seen a lot of the trends yet and I’m looking forward to seeing what new, unique opportunities arise in that area.
Dallas, TX family law attorney Lisa E. McKnight talks about various issues she sees regarding LGBT divorces.