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Products liability can encompass a wide range of items that a consumer might encounter in a grocery store, home improvement center, or other retail environments. Some well-known examples include Roundup, which has been alleged to cause cancer, and numerous litigated cases related to this claim have been resolved successfully. Other significant examples involve talcum powder and ovarian cancer, as well as hernia mesh cases, where defective mesh used in repairs can lead to serious complications by damaging the patient’s internal organs.
Additionally, there are unusual cases in products liability, such as those involving playground equipment. Cases have been handled where children have sustained injuries from equipment designed in a hazardous manner. For a parent, the thought of sending a child to school only to have them injured by defective playground equipment is a terrifying prospect. These cases can be particularly alarming from both a legal perspective and a parental standpoint.
Columbia, SC personal injury attorney Graham Newman talks about the types of dangerous product cases he’s handled. Products liability encompasses a wide range of items that consumers may encounter in grocery stores, home improvement centers, and other retail environments. Well-known examples include Roundup, which has been alleged to cause cancer, with numerous litigated cases related to this claim resolved successfully. Other significant instances involve talcum powder linked to ovarian cancer and hernia mesh cases, where defective mesh used in repairs can lead to severe complications by damaging patients’ internal organs.
Unusual cases in products liability can also arise, such as those involving playground equipment. There have been cases where children sustained injuries due to equipment designed in a hazardous manner. For parents, the thought of sending a child to school only to have them injured by defective playground equipment is a terrifying prospect. Such cases can be particularly alarming from both a legal perspective and a parental standpoint.