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What defect in water heaters caused injuries?

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yeah so this was a dip tube case uh the
dip tube so a dip tube is something that
goes into your hot water heater and is
able to ensure you can Infuse it with
hot water or cold water you can regulate
the temperature my father-in-law called
me one day uh he just bought this new
house um and he noticed that when he was
uh turning the fuc on or the Taps on
that there was this uh uh weird
substance coming through the Taps and he
couldn’t figure out what it was he uh
then started talking to the neighbors
and they
uh uh they were having the same issue so
his idea was to sue the home builder um
uh to get the uh um you know to to go
get the pipes cleaned or whatever and he
came to me to do it because he knew that
at that time uh me and uh my old partner
had just started a law firm we were kind
of starving young lawyers and uh he
brought this to us and we had a little
bit of time in our hands so we were able
to do a research and we were able to tap
into all these resources and plumbing
resources all over the country and
discover that this just wasn’t located
to one little neighborhood this was
Nationwide so we were able to determine
what the source was we were were able to
get one of
these hot water heaters uh we were able
to extract the um defective tube and we
had the tube tested and basically what
happened was when the tube came into
contact with water at a certain
temperature it flaked off when it flaked
off it got into the plumbing got flushed
through the system caused all sorts of
issues we had a house I think in
Pennsylvania that had to be completely
replumbed and it was just a huge job
because it was you know in a very
affluent neighborhood and um quite an
undertaking so we filed this case as a
nationwide class
action and what we were able to discover
uh in Discovery was that the there was a
company that manufactured dip tubes one
of I think maybe two companies in the
country that manufacture these plastic
tubes to save money they changed the
polymer um to save
0.00001 Cent per tube these dip tubes
cost about 10 cents each um so they
changed the polymer to make the process
uh cheaper for them to to to manufacture
uh when they changed the polymer they
didn’t take into account what was going
to happen uh under certain temperatures
of of hot water and uh this company was
based out of I think Washington you know
that was uh that turned into a huge
Nationwide class action um and the the
case was uh hman V Perfection at all and
it was uh an interesting case and uh my
father-in-law was very happy with the
outcome because we got him all taken
care of we got a new plumbing and he was
our class representative as well so it
was uh it turned out well and I’m still
married to his daughter so that’s great

Kansas City, MO personal injury attorney Geordie McGonagle talks about a defect in water heaters that caused injuries. He explains that the case centered around a defective dip tube, a component in hot water heaters responsible for regulating water flow and maintaining the correct temperature. The attorney’s father-in-law, who had recently purchased a new home, contacted him after noticing a strange substance coming from the taps. Unsure of the cause, he spoke with his neighbors, who reported the same issue. Initially, he considered suing the home builder to have the pipes cleaned, so he reached out to the attorney, who had recently started a law firm with his former partner.

At the time, the firm was small but had the capacity to take on the case. The team conducted thorough research, consulting plumbing experts from across the country, and discovered that the problem wasn’t confined to the local neighborhood; it was, in fact, a nationwide issue. They traced the source of the problem to a defect in the dip tube of hot water heaters.

The team obtained one of the defective hot water heaters and removed the faulty dip tube. Testing revealed that when exposed to hot water, the tube began to flake off, releasing debris into the plumbing system, which caused numerous problems. In one instance, a home in Pennsylvania required complete re-plumbing due to widespread contamination, a costly and extensive undertaking, especially in an affluent neighborhood.

The firm filed a nationwide class action lawsuit and, during discovery, uncovered that the company responsible for manufacturing the dip tubes had switched to a cheaper polymer material to save a fraction of a cent per tube. The dip tubes, which cost about 10 cents each, were compromised by this change in material, which had not been adequately tested for durability under high temperatures. The company, based in Washington, became the focus of a major class action lawsuit.

The case, Hman v. Perfection, was ultimately successful. The attorney’s father-in-law was satisfied with the outcome, as the issue was resolved and his plumbing was replaced. He also served as the class representative. The case resulted in significant changes for the manufacturer and provided relief for affected homeowners. The attorney’s family was pleased with the resolution, and the case ended on a positive note, especially since the attorney is still happily married to his wife, the father-in-law’s daughter.

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