Personal Injury Basics Attorney in Glendale, California

When are you required to file an accident report?

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Los Angeles, CA personal injury attorney Narbeh Shirvanian talks about when you are required to file an accident report. Parties involved in an accident in California must file an SR1 (Report of Traffic Collision) with the DMV within 10 days if there is an injury, fatality, or if the property damage exceeds $1,000. It is advisable to file an SR1 regardless, as failure to do so may result in the receipt of a letter from the DMV known as an order of suspension. This letter suggests that the DMV believes the involved party was in an accident but did not file the SR1 form.

The State of California mandates that everyone carries minimum liability insurance, and the DMV utilizes the SR1 to verify insurance coverage for vehicles involved in accidents. Despite routine filing for clients, the DMV may occasionally send letters erroneously indicating non-compliance. If such a letter threatening license suspension is received, a straightforward solution is available. Contact the telephone number provided on the letter, inform the DMV that the driver did have insurance, and furnish the necessary insurance information to address the concern.

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