Family Law Attorney in Nashville, Tennessee

What must be proved for a finding of contempt?

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in Tennessee we have two types of
contempt that that are in play in Family
Law Court one is called criminal
contempt and one is called civil
contempt contempt essentially means that
one party is in violation of an order of
the Court we see this a lot uh if
somebody doesn’t pay their child support
if somebody doesn’t pay their alimony
and child support and alimony are the
only two debts out there that can get
you in jail okay so to me I tell my
clients it’s super important to stay up
on top of all their obligations
financially when they have a parenting
plan or when they have a uh divorce
where they’re required to pay some sort
of financial support to their ex-spouse
contempt it can be very serious our
judges can put you in jail for a number
of days they can fine you and depending
on how many times you have been in
contempt those fines start to rack up in
the number of days start to rack up so
it’s always my advice for my clients
particularly to stay out of contempt
just just follow the orders and the
court will be happy and we can all move
on forward with our lives but contempt
is a very real weapon that we use in
divorce court when we have somebody
who’s not playing by the rules

Nashville, TN family law attorney Anne Hamer talks about what must be proved for a finding of contempt. In Tennessee’s Family Law Courts, Anne distinguishes between two types of contempt: criminal and civil. Contempt occurs when a party fails to comply with a court order, commonly seen in cases involving unpaid child support or alimony. Anne underscores the serious nature of these obligations, noting that only non-payment of child support or alimony can result in incarceration.

Anne stresses to her clients the critical importance of meeting their financial responsibilities as outlined in parenting plans or divorce decrees to avoid facing contempt charges. Consequences for contempt can be severe, including fines and jail time, depending on the frequency and severity of the violations. She advises clients to strictly follow court orders to prevent such penalties, facilitating smoother progress for everyone involved in moving forward with their lives.

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