Family Law Attorney in Dallas, Texas

Representing Fathers

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I think early on I represented a number of fathers and I was successful in their cases. So there was at least one situation, maybe two, where we were going up against a negative custody recommendation from a social study investigation and despite that, I was successful in getting what they were wanting at that time, which was primary custody. So I guess word spread. Then after I was married a number of years ago and became Paula Locksmith I was approached by the ticket radio station and they had a spot on their radio for the locksmith, which seemed to be an interesting approach. I had never thought of radio advertising before that and because the ticket is primarily a station that reaches men because of the sports content, I get a lot of referrals from that.

Dallas, TX family law attorney, Paula Lock Smyth talks about how she got to the point of representing Fathers in divorce cases.

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