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So here in southeastern Pennsylvania we have a lot of colleges. In Delaware County alone, which is a small, little geographic portion of southeastern Pennsylvania there has to be at least within the two-mile radius of where I sit right now 12 colleges. And so, I’m involved teaching up at Villa Nova University where I’m a graduate of their law school and undergrad. I also teach at Penn State in their Brandywine campus here in Delaware County. And so, I’ve been involved in a lot of college related issues because a lot of these issues with sex crimes and all that and violence happen on college campuses.
And so, I have prosecuted a lot of a cases and I’ve also defended a lot of cases that involve college students. Also, things like underage drinking and possession of marijuana, charges that when you’re a college student have a lot more impact on the rest of your life than let’s say if you were going into a trade or something else. Certainly, you know, as a college graduate you don’t want those charges lasting through the rest of your career. And so it’s important even with those minor crimes as college students to get the right attorney.
Philadelphia, PA criminal defense lawyer Joseph Lesniak talks about his experience in handling crimes committed by college students.