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What is The Caribbean Project to defend Americans charged with crimes in the Caribbean?

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well so starting in 2014 and over the
years some colleagues of mine and I
started going to the Nassau Bahamas to
the law school there to do these
teaching programs with professors it’s a
lot of fun you know we don’t get paid
anything we just do it because it’s fun
to go there and meet people learn about
different systems go to the Bahamas and
then we met lawyers there and everything
and their system is different it’s based
on the British common law system much
like you might see in England and then
you know I just thought of the idea that
there must be Americans who go on
vacation there and get locked up or get
in trouble and stuck in the jail there
so we just made some connections there
and just you know put it out there that
we could we have connections that could
help someone in that position because
you’re figuring you know if your kid got
in trouble and locked up in the
Caribbean it’s going to be awkward for
you to to find a lawyer there but it
would be better if you knew someone with
connections that could go there visit
the person figure out how to get them
out so that was the general idea behind

Alexandria, VA criminal defense attorney Chris Leibig talks about The Caribbean Project to defend Americans charged with crimes in the Caribbean.

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