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So there are specific charges dealing with communication faculties. In Pennsylvania we have the criminal use of a communication facility. So if you facilitate or you use a computer, which includes a cellphone, anybody who calls that a cellphone is really it’s a misnomer. Anybody who uses a computer in the commission of a crime that charge can be a separate felony and can be charged for that. There are also ones for using a computer to commit a crime. So not only using it to facilitate a crime but actually computer crimes can be charged. And what we’re seeing is especially in the area of special victims is people posting threats and viable threats on the computer on Facebook or Instagram or any of the other social media sites. And so, they are looking at online criminal behavior even more closely and possibly creating more crimes specifically geared towards the use of a computer here in Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia, PA criminal defense lawyer Joseph Lesniak talks about how there can be a separate charge for the use of a computer in a crime.