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depends on the kind of case but in
almost any sex offense case or you know
quite often in a any kind of a serious
matter you would want to have a client
evaluated by a forensic evaluator to
just see things about them what any
diagnosis they might have it could be
that it’s just merely depression which
is can be debilitatingly serious but not
compell ing always to judges or
prosecutors but there are also a lot of
people walking around our society right
now through no fault of their own that
suffer from PTSD because of their
service to their our country or because
of trauma that’s happened in their own
life as a child or otherwise and even
people that are in those situations that
don’t know it right now and those those
kind of things have a direct correlation
between violent acts and such and so you
want to learn as much as you can about
your client from a credible psychologist
that you know that the courts trust when
they give an opinion and if once you get
that evaluation you don’t have to use it
unless you think it helps and usually
people find out things about themselves
they didn’t know there’s also people
that have a long history of mental
health problems that they knew about
well before the crime happened even
there you still want to get forensic
evaluation done recently that can take
advantage of all those old records and
everything and what you’re doing there
is almost never are you raising a quote
unquote defense that is not guilty by
reason of insanity what you’re really
doing is talking about explaining what
happened explaining how treatment could
render that person to be a very low risk
of re
offense and you know just putting it
into context that the judge can
understand and and and empathize with
most mental health disorders I would say
all are not that person’s fault you know
it may be that passing up an opportunity
for treatment could be blamed on an
individual but that’s a common part of
mental illnesses too and so there’s an
answer to why anyone does anything it
isn’t always a mitigating answer but a
lot of times it is and no one’s going to
know it unless you dig deep for it and
try to find it
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Alexandria, VA criminal defense attorney Chris Leibig talks about how he uses his training in forensic psychology to help his clients.