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What are the elements of a defamation claim?

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defamation litigation particularly in
light of technological advances has
become quite uh
complex in the justice system and we
have been one of the leaders certainly
in Minnesota but in litigation around
the country in fact on handling
defamation both on the plaintiff side
and on the defense side we not long ago
handled a case uh in North Dakota in
front of a North Dakota jury that
resulted in two plus million verdict
which in a defamation case I think at
the time and maybe yet till today is the
largest defamation verdict in North
Dakota history and possibly in Minnesota
History as well that case uh we handled
for a plaintiff who was damaged in their
business was damaged and so there were
monetary amounts that could be presented
to the jury that they could grab a hold
of often times that’s not the case in
defamation lawsuits uh somebody’s
reputation is damaged and it may not be
business uh related but they have been
hurt they have been harmed in the public
eye or view of them and they want
uh to bring in action because of it
litigation is expensive and so there are
many defamation cases that one wants to
bring that they don’t ultimately bring
because they won’t recover as much as
they spend uh but we have a very good
understanding of that and are able to
have discussions with uh the client or
potential client about uh their
objectives and how best to achieve their
objectives the key in restoring one’s
reputation often times is the objective
and sometimes litigation is not the best
way to handle that and we will have
those discussions uh with the client and
often tell them that in fact you’re
going to shine a light on this
reputational issue rather than uh

Minneapolis, MN commercial litigation attorney Andrew Parker talks about the elements of a defamation claim. Defamation litigation has grown increasingly complex in the justice system, particularly with recent technological advances. Parker Daniels Keyboard has established itself as a leader in defamation cases, not only within Minnesota but also in significant litigation across the country, representing both plaintiffs and defendants. Recently, the firm secured a verdict of over two million dollars in a North Dakota case—believed to be the largest defamation verdict in North Dakota’s history and possibly Minnesota’s as well. In this case, the plaintiff experienced direct business damages, allowing the firm to substantiate clear financial losses for the jury, a challenging feat in many defamation cases.

In most defamation cases, however, harm affects an individual’s reputation rather than a business, making damages harder to quantify. Given the high costs of litigation, many individuals with valid claims decide not to proceed if anticipated recovery would not cover legal expenses. Parker Daniels Keyboard provides clients with a thorough understanding of these complexities, engaging in detailed discussions to help them assess whether litigation aligns with their goals. Often, a client’s main objective is to restore their reputation, and in some cases, pursuing a lawsuit might inadvertently draw more attention to the issue. The firm carefully guides clients in evaluating the best strategy to meet their objectives, even if this includes exploring alternatives to litigation.

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