Onewheel Skateboard Injuries Attorney in Denver, Colorado

What damages can I recover for injuries caused by a Onewheel electric skateboard?

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people are getting injured by the
onewheel electric skateboards because
they are thrown off of them and the
injuries go from just you know
relatively minor scrapes scratches Road
Rash as we call it to broken wrists
legs uh all the way to there have been
unfortunately a few people that were
killed uh they had a head injury because
when they were ejected from the the
skateboard they hit the ground hit their
head seriously injured and

Denver, CO personal injury attorney George McLaughlin talks about the damages you can recover for injuries caused by a Onewheel electric skateboard. Individuals are experiencing injuries from Onewheel electric skateboards, being thrown off and suffering a spectrum of harm, ranging from minor scrapes and scratches, commonly known as road rash, to more serious conditions like broken wrists and legs. Regrettably, there have been instances where lives were lost due to head injuries sustained when ejected from the skateboard, leading to serious impacts on the ground and fatal injuries.

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