Nursing Home Negligence Attorney in Kansas City, Missouri

What are the signs a loved one is the victim of nursing home neglect?

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so when we make the difficult decision
to uh place a love on in a nursing home
or when they go to a nursing home after
maybe a surgery and they’re going to get
a little bit of rehab there are a lot of
triggers and things that we hear a lot
from folks who have those loved ones in
the facilities I would say the number
one thing to keep an ear out for is any
sort of wounds um we see a lot of bed
sores or they’re also called pressure
ulcers but those can be a sign that
maybe there isn’t enough uh care being
provided to the residents repeated Falls
are something that we hear about all the
time where you know the nursing home
will call a family member and say their
loved one has fallen if that continues
to happen that should be a little bit of
a a red flag where maybe somebody might
peep their interest I’d say the last
thing is when when folks go do to visit
their loved ones in a nursing home um
keep an eye out see how much staff is
around are you able to find somebody are
you able to reach the director of
nursing or assistant director of nursing
I truly believe that the amount of staff
there and the quality of care they’re
getting is a direct link to the
prevention of of nursing home

Kansas City, MO personal injury attorney Kevin Chaffee talks about the signs a loved one is the victim of nursing home neglect. When families make the difficult decision to place a loved one in a nursing home—whether after surgery for rehabilitation or for ongoing care—there are several warning signs they should be vigilant about. One primary concern is the presence of wounds, particularly bedsores, also known as pressure ulcers, which can indicate inadequate care being provided to residents.

Repeated falls are another significant issue families often encounter. If a nursing home consistently reports that a resident has fallen, this should raise a red flag and prompt further investigation into the quality of care being provided.

Additionally, during visits to loved ones in a nursing home, families should pay attention to staffing levels. They should assess how readily available staff members are and whether they can easily reach the director of nursing or the assistant director. The number of staff present and the quality of care provided are directly linked to the prevention of nursing home neglect.

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