Nursing Home Negligence Attorney in Columbia, South Carolina

Can you tell us about a memorable nursing home case you handled?

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recently handled one where in the lower

part of the state they allowed a

gentleman actually a former lawyer in

his 9s to get out of the memory care

unit and even though they looked for him

for 10 days before they found him in the

saltwater Marsh within a half mile of

the nursing home they determined that

he’d been alive for nine of those 10

days and the horror of that family

thinking about what had gone on with him

and looking for him during that period

of time is is is heartbreaking you put a

loved one in a facility like that you

expect that they’ll be taken care of

because that decision to put them there

is one of the most difficult decisions a

spouse or child will have to make and

you want them to be taken care of

Columbia, SC personal injury attorney Mark D. Chappell talks about a memorable nursing home case he handled.

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