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really getting to work with people
through a rough point in their life and
see this through with them is something
that I find very rewarding sometimes we
have to take on a big task and to make
sense of it and get to help this person
there’s really nothing else like it and
the ability to work closely with people
and create bonds with them is just
something that I find a lot of personal
fulfillment with and why I’m drawn to
this practice area
being accessible is something I really
strive to do in keeping in close contact
with the client you know being there for
them and just accessible to answer their
questions and explaining the process to
them when you work with someone in an
injury case it’s very important to
actually listen to what they’re saying
and there’s no substitute for that other
than taking the time to sit and listen
provide feedback and then Direction in
the case and so I really strive to do
that and I’ve received immense positive
feedback from that
became an attorney I started working in
2004 at a law firm handling these types
of injury cases and I was really drawn
to it as I completed my schooling I
focused my schooling towards areas that
would enhance my understanding of the
cases and so I focused my bachelor’s
degree on that decided to go to law
school and I’ve continued to work only
in this area of Law and I’ve always
worked at a small firm and so I really
just like that small firm atmosphere we
can work one-on-one with the clients
create that bond with them and deliver
the service
Tampa, FL workers’ compensation attorney Mark Lee discusses the most rewarding aspect of his practice as well as his background & experience.