Top Rated Business Law Attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana

Meet Steve Robinson

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primarily because um I married the
daughter of a lawyer Who I Really
respected and um watching him deal with
clients and watching him and his
lifestyle I really want that’s something
that I wanted to move towards he was a
great role model for me um and I’m glad
I got to meet him and I’m glad I
followed footsteps and became
aware I want to make sure that I give
clients uh the best legal advice that I
can I want the clients to respect what I
do for them um I’ve been doing this 45
years now and I’ve got a lot of clients
that I’ve been representing for over 40
years and many of them have become my
friends over time
and it’s a great working relationship to
be able to do stuff for people that you

Indianapolis, IN business attorney Steve Robinson talks about why he became a lawyer and the philosophy that guides his practice.

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