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I am the fourth of four girls in a family. I’m pretty good at arguing. But, you know, the truth is as a young gal watching anything from Perry Mason to LA Law, which is what was going on then, you think of lawyers as being advocates, sort of knights in shining armor. I grew up in North Minneapolis. My mom was the receptionist at Dayton’s. My dad got the best job you could get being from on the farm working as a railroad worker. He was an engineer.
And I thought I was going to help people get justice. As time has gone on I’ve learned that the single biggest thing about being an effective lawyer is being creative. Behind you is a sign that says, “Think outside the box.” That’s how you help people find their dreams, which is what lawyers do, help people find their dreams and help people avoid problems.
Minneapolis and St. Cloud employment law attorney Sheila Engelmeier shares how she decided to become a lawyer.