Top Rated Family Law Attorney in Hingham, Massachusetts

Nicole Levy – Family Law Attorney

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as an attorney even though my primary

job is to litigate cases I tend to go

into every case looking to see what if

anything can be resolved without going

to court sometimes that means a

resolution in principle for all issues

and sometimes that means we’re just

going to be looking at minor issues but

my philosophy is always that if we can

come to a resolution on anything

even if it’s a very minor issue it’s

going to be better than leaving it up to

a judge


I think the most important thing you can

do for your client is listen it’s very

difficult to hear all these stories

about people going through divorce and

sometimes not get a bit jaded and you

have to remember that each one of these

clients has an individual Story Each of

their problems are unique and a lot of

times the clients hold very valuable

information that should not be


Hingham, MA family law attorney Nicole Levy shares the philosophy that guides her practice.

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