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because we work with people who are
going through a really
important time in their life and a very
stressful time in their life at a very
personal time in their life i like to
think of it as a partnership they know
what’s best for their family they know
what’s best for their children and they
have a lifetime or often decades of
experience with the person that we’re
negotiating with so it’s very different
from a commercial transaction even
though it may be the case that we’re
talking about
tens of millions or hundreds of millions
or billions of dollars to be divided up
we’re still talking about a very
personal relationship and so i view it
very much as a partnership as as me
telling my client what the law is how
the law works what the benefits are in a
particular course of action what the
drawbacks are in that course of action
the different paths that we might take
forward a mediation path an arbitration
path a litigation path you know a
do-nothing path kind of depending on
what the case calls for and then i want
to start a conversation with my client
what they think might work best for
their family and then we do it together
and we make the next decision and then
that opens up another set of decisions
that need to be made and we’ll go
through the same process again okay
here’s how we can approach this we can
do it this way or this way or this way
what do you think is going to work best
for you what do you think is going to
work best for your children and what do
you think is going to maximize
the life that you anticipate living once
this marriage is over
i find myself asking my clients a lot to
just take a breath and think about it
just think about it we’re talking about
who have been married for a long time
and they know how to push each other’s
buttons in a very very unique sort of
way so you could get a letter from your
opposing counsel and it could be full of
things that to me
seem not particularly inflammatory but
to my client are we have really crossed
the line and that’s because their spouse
is actively looking to rile them up or
to really get into a place where they
know it’s going to have the most impact
so let’s just take a breath
let’s sleep on it let’s wake up in the
morning and decide what we think the
best way is to deal with this because
often an angry response is just going to
ratchet things up or increase the
acrimony when my client’s long-term goal
is actually to decrease that acrimony so
i find myself saying a lot like just
think about it take a breath it’s all
going to be here tomorrow and we’ll
figure out the best way forward together
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NYC family law attorney Shannon Simpson shares the philosophy that guides her work as well as her most common piece of advice for clients.