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So from my earliest memories, I always liked to argue a particular point. It just fits with my personality, and when I got into law school and I found that I could argue for a living, it was a natural fit. But one of the things that surprised me a little bit since I’ve become a lawyer is how much satisfaction I get out of helping people. People come to our office with some of the most significant problems they’re gonna face during their lifetime, and to be able to guide someone through that process and reach a resolution that they feel good about, it’s incredibly rewarding.
A guiding principle for our practice is to stay on the cutting edge of the law. Particularly with family law and divorce cases, there’s a constant stream of new appellate decisions and new trends and developments across social science and across the law that affects these cases. One of the reasons that we blog so frequently on family law issues is because that’s a way to stay sharp. We write about the issues as they come out, and we stay on the cutting edge of the law.
The biggest piece of advice I give to family law clients is to try to control negative emotions. Divorce and family law often involves highly emotional topics. Folks need to learn how to identify their own feelings and understand that their behavior is being scrutinized. So the one thing we tell clients is to keep control of their emotions and let us do the job for them.
Hingham, MA family law attorney Jason V. Owens shares why he became a lawyer, the philosophy of his practice and his most common advice to clients.