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the most rewarding aspect to me is
relatively easy to answer
we help a lot of very good people
uh at the worst points of their life you
know we’ve come across many many just
good people good moms good dads
uh good husbands good wives and they
find themselves in situations they might
never have imagined
it could be
you know needing protection from a
spouse getting protection for children
getting them financial security
protecting them against some
overreaching on the part of a spouse you
really good people going through very
difficult times and when you’re able to
help guide them through this difficult
process and get them to where they need
to be that’s where i think we get a lot
of satisfaction and what keeps us going
outside the office when i’m not
practicing law i just try to enjoy life
really it’s that simple
i say it to a lot of clients i say to a
lot of my friends you know i don’t take
this for granted we’re alive thank god
we’re healthy thank god and just try to
enjoy every day
spend time with my family spend time
with our friends
you know could be going out to dinners
nice dinners regular dinners going
outside for walks just playing around
with the kids whatever it might be
hopefully uh with the world opening up
we could take some nice vacations again
but really just try to enjoy life one
day at a time
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NYC family law attorney Dan Rottenstreich shares the most rewarding aspect of his practice and what he does outside of the office.