Top Rated Family Law Attorney in Portland, Oregon

Meet Bill Howe

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you know going through a divorce or if
you’re getting married having premarital
agreement that is a huge transition
there’s a ton of literature that the
stress of that process is very difficult
for folks and so helping people through
that transition is enormously rewarding
and people are incredibly grateful one
woman sent me homemade jam for about 20
years every Christmas because she so
appreciated the help and uh the other
thing that’s interesting and
particularly in doing family law I
started out doing real estate but when I
did Family Law particularly doing
divorce cases it occurred to me that I
didn’t have to personally make every
mistake in a relationship myself I could
sort of learn a little bit by a peak
Under the Tent of other relationships
we’ve never had anybody call this firm
and we’re not at a 36,000 case and say
you know my relationship is just so
terrific with my spouse that I’d like to
get divorced that’s not what happens
people call and they’re in pain they’re
scared they just don’t know what to do
and you can hand them this Lifeline um
and if you handle it sensitively their
next chapter is much better you can
really be part of the healing
process when um I’d been practicing law
for since 1975 and in
1993 the orgon legislature created a
thing called the organ task force and
family law the then governor Governor
Roberts was kind enough to appoint me
and then her successor Governor kitaba
reappointed me to continue I did that
for four years and that Oregon task
force on family law created the
legislation that Ma basically made all
of the procedures which we now follow to
do family law family courts mandatory
parenting plans parenting time
enforcement change visitation to
parenting time and I could go on for 20
minutes the successor institution to
that was the Statewide family law
advisory committee
which advised the Chief Justice on
family law matters as well as the state
court administrator I served as the vice
chair of that for 22 years the chair was
always a uh a judge and I was appointed
by four Chief justices along the way
through those 22 years to serve in that
capacity in fact I’m still on the
Futures Committee of the um Statewide
family law advisory committee I keep
trying to resign but they won’t let me
which is flattering but some some day
that’ll happen 2004 I got was privileged
to get an award for the most pro bono
hours expended by any lawyer in private
practice in the Oregon State Bar and
most recently I’m very involved on a
thing called sage which a prominent
lawyer by the name of Ward green started
a few years ago Sage as senior advocates
for generational equity and I make talks
uh to Rotary clubs and so forth trying
to break down political polarization
well we’ve had various speakers here
who’ve done a a terrific job too so I’ve
been very involved in that Community
project and many

Portland, OR family law attorney Bill Howe talks about the most rewarding aspect of his practice and his service to the community. Going through a divorce or preparing for marriage with a premarital agreement involves a significant life transition. The stress associated with these processes can be challenging for individuals, and he finds assisting them through this transition highly rewarding. Clients often express gratitude, with gestures such as sending homemade jam as a token of appreciation.

In the realm of family law, particularly in divorce cases, he recognizes an insightful aspect. As a family law practitioner, he understands that personal experience of every mistake in a relationship is not necessary. Learning from the challenges and dynamics of various relationships provides him with valuable insights. He notes that individuals rarely call seeking divorce due to a fantastic relationship; instead, they reach out when in pain, scared, and unsure of what to do. Providing assistance during these challenging times serves as a lifeline, contributing to the healing process and facilitating a better next chapter for the individuals involved.

With a legal career spanning since 1975, he has a rich history of contributions to the field. Serving on the Oregon Task Force on Family Law from 1993 to 1997, he played a key role in crafting instrumental legislation that made various family law procedures mandatory. This included aspects such as family courts, parenting plans, parenting time enforcement, and changes from visitation to parenting time. Subsequently, his involvement in the Statewide Family Law Advisory Committee for 22 years, including serving as Vice Chair, showcased his commitment and expertise. Recognition came in 2004 with an award for the most pro bono hours expended by any lawyer in private practice in the Oregon State Bar.

Presently, his active involvement in “SAGE” (Senior Advocates for Generational Equity) demonstrates his continued commitment to community engagement. Initiatives include giving talks to Rotary clubs, aiming to bridge political polarization and contribute to community projects focused on generational equity. Despite attempts to resign from certain roles, ongoing invitations highlight the lasting impact and significance of his contributions to the legal and community landscape.

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