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i wish
that i could say
that in eighth grade i read to kill a
and wanted to be a lawyer and i never
looked back
or that both my parents were attorneys
and i never looked back but neither of
those circumstances are true
when i was in college my roommate
wanted very badly to become a lawyer
and to take the lsats which is the
exam to get into law school
and he turned to me and said burn
you are the only person i know who gets
up early
will you wake me up i said i don’t know
he said i’ll pay
for your
which in those years was 35
if that
i said that’s great i got him up i took
the lsats
i became an attorney because i went to
law school
i want to mention
that i have been practicing for 45 years
i won’t
say my age but people can figure it out
even though
my wife says i look pretty good
my mentor
a guy by the name of marvin mitchelson
he was a divorce lawyer to the stars
and he was out of california
he was the first matrimonial lawyer and
the only divorce lawyer to ever appear
on people magazine’s cover
and we
meaning my former partner and i
became his new york
i saw from
his work
celebrities high profile people were no
different they were going through the
difficulties of life and that has stayed
with me
in addition
marvin who got into some degree of
at the end of his career
i have refused to do what he has done or
what he did which was
that he fell in love with his own press
clippings he fell in love with the
of hollywood and representing
the elite and the movie stars
that became for him
his raisin detra
his reason for living he then
got into some trouble as i’ve said
so i have developed in my career
a healthy respect for my own
degree of celebrity but i never
mix it up
deciding that or or determining that
the life of the celebrity or the high
net worth person is my life
i go home
i live a respectable upper class life
but i don’t mix it up and that is what
i’ve learned
from my mentor
here’s my
and i’m going to make
and everyone who’s listening and expert
in child custody
i tell my clients as i’m telling you
that the law is
that you follow
the best interests of your child or
what does that mean best interests
and therefore
concept of custody is
entirely discretionary with the court
and i always tell my clients to wear the
white hat as opposed to the black hat
after i have made them
an expert in child custody as i’ve just
made you
by telling them that it’s the best
interest of the child that controls
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NYC family law attorney Bernard Clair discusses why he became a lawyer, his mentor in the practice of law, and his advice to clients.