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I really have a client focused practice, which means that my job as an attorney is to serve my clients interest. Over time as I represent a client, I will learn their interests and learn what’s important to them and spend more of my time focused on obtaining the best result the client wants. So although I might see okay, well this is the way I see justice, ultimately, it’s the clients justice that I’m trying to get. It’s my clients’ goals that I’m trying to exceed.
To be a successful trust and estate litigator it takes practice. It takes time in the courtroom, time drafting pleadings, time listen to clients, time practicing law in the field of trust and estate litigation, that’s it. The more time that you spend, the more time you’re focused on the practice, and the more time that you actually learn from your experience in your practice makes you a better trust and estate litigator.
But what I really enjoy about my practice, what really gives me the satisfaction to continue my practice on a daily basis and work hard as a trust and estate litigator is the relationships I develop with my clients. I love learning about new people, developing that relationship, and being able to assist people through difficult times in their life and help people move their life forward.
I’ve been very fortunate to have a lot of great mentors. One of the mentors most recently that’s been helpful was Jerry Spence. Back in 2015 I was fortunate enough to spend a month at his ranch and was able to learn a different way to practice law. Before, maybe I might learn technical skills, I might learn the law, I might have been able to fill up my brain to have a big brain. What I learned from Jerry Spence is how to be real. How to listen to people to understand their life situation, how to express the law in terms that are relatable to my clients.
And also, how to tell their stories. Clients have stories, they come to their office, they give you a call, they walk into your office, and they come and they bring their stories with them. It’s important to listen to their story to help them develop it so they understand what is their rights but also, to be able to express their story even better than they can. That’s what Jerry essentially taught me.
Los Angeles, CA estate & trust lawyer David A. Shapiro talks about his philosophy as a lawyer, what it takes to be successful and the rewards of his practice.