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the most rewarding aspect of the pr of
the practice to me is when a client
comes in our door they are better off um
than when they came in so uh whether
that’s planning for uh a young family
like myself and my wife protecting young
children uh parents would would both
pass away or or planning for a spouse
adult children grandchildren Charities
whatever the case may be
providing clients with that peace of
mind that they are truly providing a
legacy for the loved ones or those
closest to them closest to their hearts
um and being playing a small part of
that really gives me a lot of joy and
fulfillment I’ve repeatedly found myself
uh giving this advice to clients whether
perspective current clients or or even
people I just run into out abounded
church or wherever the case may be that
it’s always a good time to plan whether
you’re you’re married single uh you know
elderly young anyone over the age of 18
it’s always a great time to plan in some
way shape or fashion whether we’re just
doing uh some Powers of Attorney for
someone that’s just turned 18 who’s
leaving The Nest for the first time and
Mom and Dad can no longer make decisions
for you or we’re we’re planning for a
new married couple uh someone that’s
just recently had a child retiree wi you
name it it’s always a good time to plan
don’t put it off um too many times we
see scenarios where where people have
put off planning and and unfortunately
you know those closest to them can be
left picking up the pieces so biggest
gift you can um not only give to
yourself but to those who leave behind
is the plan and the plan now
Indianapolis, IN estate planning attorney Thomas Steele talks about the most rewarding aspect of his practice and shares the one piece of advice he most often gives to his clients.