Top Rated Estate Planning and Probate Attorney in Phoenix, Arizona

Meet Steve Tutnick

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you know I’m Guided by a quote by George
Elliott which is what do we live for if
not to make the lives of other people
less difficult and so throughout my
practice I’ve always tried to make the
lives of my clients and their loved ones
less difficult by creating an estate
plan that addresses their goals
the most important piece of advice I
find repeatedly giving to my clients is
don’t put it off people oftentimes
believe that they’ll be able to get
their estate plan done in the future and
they don’t realize that oftentimes these
contingencies that theate plan addresses
arise before they’re ready and so I
think the most important thing to tell a
client is don’t put it off

Phoenix, AZ estates & probate attorney Steve Tutnick talks about the philosophy that guides his work and shares his most common piece of advice to clients.

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