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the most rewarding part for me um in the
practice of law is just being able to
help people I think so many times when
you are an attorney you’re being very
reactive and I really enjoy the aspects
of the transactional practice where we
can be proactive for clients solving
problems before they exist and getting
to know them and feel like there’s a
real value ad
I think what’s prepared me um most for
the practice that I have today is the
fact that I grew up in a really small
town and my dad was always a business
owner and doing different things so I
got to see firsthand um what it looks
like on the back end and I think just
that wisdom and knowledge has led me to
understand what makes people tick um and
what their true problems are that
they’re seeking guidance on and so I
think that growing up in that family um
and then with just all of the variety of
jobs that I’ve had and the um experience
gained from each of them helps me not
only from um a legal standpoint with my
clients but also from a practical
Indianapolis, IN estate planning attorney DeAnn Farthing talks about the most rewarding aspect of her practice and her background and experience.