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Ever since I became an Eagle Scout over 20 years ago, I’ve learned that it’s important to give back and especially when you become a lawyer. I think the legal field there are a lot of nuances and there are a lot of people who don’t have access to the legal community so I do volunteer for the Legal Aid of southeastern Pennsylvania. I volunteer with the Pennsylvania Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. And also, I’m a local Rotarian so I was president of my local rotary board. I run a fundraiser that raises over $30,000.00 for local charities. I also am active in my library, my local library that has volunteers. I served as the president of that board for several years.
And now, if you come on Friday afternoons, I’m the guy who’s checking out your books every Friday. And it gives me a chance to say hi to people in my community, see people I normally wouldn’t see, and also, it gives my paralegal a break from me being there on Friday afternoons so it’s positive all around. But I really do believe that community service for lawyers especially volunteering for not for profit boards is extremely important because we have a specialized knowledge that can be very helpful to organizations that can’t necessarily afford the hourly rate of an attorney.
Philadelphia, PA criminal defense lawyer Joseph Lesniak talks about the various ways in which he serves his community, outside his practice of law.