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I became a lawyer because I wanted to
help people I thought at a very early
that well I mean let’s if I go back the
truth is is that I knew I wanted to be
an attorney from uh first grade when
everybody lined up to decide whether or
not they want to be a police officer or
a fireman or something else I got in the
line that didn’t exist for I want to be
a lawyer I didn’t know any lawyers I had
never met a lawyer I was not around
lawyers um but something about
representing people
and uh you know being the person that’s
there when somebody else can’t speak
really resonated with me from a very
early age so I really wanted to do
that I never expected to be a criminal
defense attorney I
have a degree in mathematical
Sciences uh I got that degree in part
out of Defiance for the system to prove
to somebody else that I could do what uh
people didn’t expect that I could do and
when I was introduced to the world of
criminal defense I found that attorneys
were not doing everything they could for
their clients I felt that attorneys were
lazy and they acquiesced to the syst
system that was in front of them and so
I brought my Defiance and my tenacity to
the practice area of criminal defense so
that uh individuals get the very best
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Manassas, VA criminal defense attorney Nicole Naum talks about why she became a lawyer and her background & experience that prepared her for her practice.