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my background as a criminal defense
investigator for 5 years prior to
becoming a lawyer has really helped
shape the type of lawyer I am today I
was a criminal defense investigator I
worked primarily on homicide cases on
all different types of cases everything
in between from a trespass all the way
to first-degree murder as an
investigator um my job was not only to
interview Witnesses meet with clients
but also investigate what the police did
and also what the police did not do I’d
work with experts whether it’s crime
scene experts DNA or other types of
forensics experts and creatively
approach how do I want to uh develop
evidence that the attorney could use at
trial and that has informed what type of
lawyer I am today oftentimes many
lawyers may not go as deep on defense
investigation and think that oh just a
very vicious cross-examination of the
police officer might be enough to raise
Reasonable Doubt and in many cases they
may be right but I believe that when a
client tells me a story um and I when
I’m first meeting with them and uh it’s
something that is
unexpected my job is to get and
thoroughly investigate that story
thoroughly investigate their claims
whether it’s the police the L A lay
witness or or any other aspect of the
case and that has really helped shape
the type of lawyer I am today U instead
of just being handed a police report and
saying um oh I’ll be able to
cross-examine the officer it’s very
important to do a deep investigation
when I was an investigator and I was
interviewing Witnesses I never had a
case where what was in a police report
matched up with what I learned from a
witness during an in-person interview
Boston, MA criminal defense attorney Nat Carney talks about the background and experience that prepared him for his current practice.