Top Rated Commercial Litigation Attorney in Phoenix, Arizona

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So when I went to law school I wanted to try cases. That sounded fun to me. I’ve never waivered from that. When I graduated from law school the first job that I had was as a deputy county attorney here in Maricopa County and my goal was to try as many cases as I could. I had the fortune of working with a variety of amazing mentors, trial attorneys at the county attorney’s office in the criminal department in a particular, the vehicular crimes unit. I tried a lot of cases for the county attorney’s office and every case I tried, I learned something new.

And every case that I watched be tried by some very excellent trial attorneys I learned something new. I enjoyed the courtroom so much that it became part of my world. If I wasn’t assigned to handle the calendar or I didn’t have a hearing or I wasn’t in trial myself I was at the courthouse watching other of my colleagues try cases. I’m just as comfortable now as I was then walking into the courtroom and interacting with the court staff, with witnesses, juries, opposing counsel. It was a wonderful place to start.

Phoenix, AZ commercial litigation attorney Richard Righi talks about how he got started in the courtroom.

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