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The background is that my then lawyer for matters I was handling had handled the underlying civil litigation. I had nothing to do with the criminal litigation where he was exonerated but handled the civil litigation out of which a $33 million judgement came and basically, was overwhelming against Mr. Simpson. He didn’t have that kind of money and so we tried to make some deals. We got hired to basically, effectively defend against a very, very aggressive attack from an attorney up in San Francisco. A very, very knowledgeable attorney, a very aggressive attorney, a gentleman named David Cook who over 20 years has been my adversary in this Simpson matters.
We’ve gone to court probably 40 times trying to save assets to protect Mr. Simpson’s exempted property, protect his golf clubs, protect his clothing, protect some of his trophies. We actually had a fight over the Heisman Trophy and I saw to it that one of the other parties got the Heisman Trophy other than the opposition because the opposition said they would not sit down at a table with us and negotiate a deal but rather that this was Mr. Goldman saying I’d rather walk down Wilshire Blvd with the Heisman Trophy on top of my head than to ever do business with Mr. Goldman.
Regrettably, that has led to him 20 years later having gotten very, very little money. If he had decided to work with us, we are willing and were willing to sit down and, if you will, try and compensate him and his family for the tragedies irrespective of who did what to whom. And we’ve worked closely with Mr. Simpson, he has become a very well-respected citizen in Las Vegas. Very well liked. He served nine years in prison for a crime that really was not or should not have been that gravely punished. But, of course, the judge there was thinking back to the original set of circumstance for which he had been exonerated. And quite frankly, that was very unfair.
We’re doing our best to see if we can’t work closely with Mr. Cook to develop a deal whereby everybody benefits out of the potential earning power of Mr. Simpson but we’re not going to let them come in and raid our ability to earn a living from Mr. Simpson. And we’re in negotiations talking about this, have been for the past 18 months. Hopefully, we’ll have something in this year to share with the American public.
Los Angeles, CA commercial debt collection attorney Ronald P. Slates talks about his case work with O.J. Simpson.