Top Rated Commercial Litigation Attorney in Baltimore, Maryland

Meet James Howard

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first of all uh come from family of
lawyers I think it’s sort of just in my
DNA my mom’s an attorney and her dad my
grandfather was an attorney and just
sort of grew up around it grew up around
Lively family game nights and friendly
arguments and competition and getting
into college kind of honing that
studying some philosophy studying
history American history especially just
learning more about the profession
working at law firms I kind of always
knew in the back of my mind so what I
wanted to do um felt a calling towards
you know truth justice big Concepts like
that but also being able to apply my you
know upbringing and sort of this sense
of rationality logic efficiency that I
like to um try to do to solve problems
applying that to clients and it’s been
something I’ve always known I wanted to
do and it took you know going through
college to figure that out but uh I
think those are kind of the the reasons
behind it all that shape me to who I am
today I find probably the most rewarding
aspect of my practice to be when you
really work a case you know it back and
forth you keep the client fully involved
and you take all that knowledge and
preparation get the case into a position
of strength for your client and
hopefully work out um a favorable
settlement agreement that the client not
only can live with but is happy about
and takes really working a case and
knowing the case um like the back of
your hand for that to happen um and a
lot of our clients are bigger corporate
entities that have their own risk
managers and their own lawyers who are
sophisticated but then we also represent
individuals and uh small
contractors and companies that don’t
have um the fortune to have all that
support so you really have to counsel
them and a lot of times you know getting
a settlement instead of a trial you are
protecting their financial future not
just their company but their them as an
individual and while trials are
necessary and we’ll always go to bat for
our clients at trial if that’s how it
ends up I definitely feel um rewarded
when I can um negot iate that favorable
settlement that makes that protects the
client’s future and you know gets this
big stressor and burden of a lawsuit off
of their plate

Baltimore, MD commercial litigation attorney James Howard talks about why he became a lawyer and the most rewarding aspect of his practice.

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