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The people, obviously, are important. And not only people that you practice with, but the people that you interact with on a daily basis. And I mean people more generically, whether you’re dealing with clients, you’re dealing with other lawyers, you’re dealing with different components, whether in litigation with judges or clerks or those type situations.

The other thing that at least I get a charge out of and I think it’s important from a lawyer’s perspective is every case is different. Every matter is different, whether it’s transactions or litigation. And you need to be creative. You need to be able to look at a particular matter from all sides because I think that is going to eventually inform the decisions that you make, the advice that you give. But looking at a particular situation and looking at it creatively, and then seeing something for the first time that actually could be important to your client’s case or your client’s transaction is something that’s pretty satisfying. And knowing that you actually pull that home, bring that across the end line is – that’s an important thing, and I really enjoy that part of the practice.

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