Mediation & Collaborative Divorce Attorney in Portland, Oregon

What is the cost of divorce mediation compared to traditional divorce?

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mediation um depending on the format
that you choose but if you hire a
private mediator then you would pay that
person’s hourly rate in order to prepare
for and participate in the
mediation that can range depending on
the type of mediator that you select and
then mediation can also take different
formats uh meaning you could choose a
mediator without uh involving attorneys
or if you do choose to involve attorneys
then the hourly rate for the attorneys
to prepare and um attend the mediation
would also apply so while those costs
are not insignificant it certainly pales
in comparison to what the cost might be
to prepare for and attend a trial to
resolve issues so typically parties are
saving considerable money by resolving
their issues outside of

Portland, OR family law attorney Kaite Goss talks about the cost of divorce mediation compared to traditional divorce. Mediation costs can vary depending on the chosen format. If a private mediator is hired, the parties will pay the mediator’s hourly rate for preparation and participation in the mediation. This cost may fluctuate depending on the type of mediator selected. Mediation can also take different formats; for instance, parties may choose a mediator without involving attorneys, or they may involve attorneys. If attorneys are included, their hourly rates for preparation and attendance at the mediation will also apply. While these costs are not insignificant, they are typically much lower than the expenses associated with preparing for and attending a trial to resolve issues. As a result, parties often save a considerable amount of money by resolving their issues outside of court.

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