Mediation & Collaborative Divorce Attorney in White Plains, New York

What is collaborative divorce?

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so collaborative law is a process to get
a divorce so when you have a contested
divorce meaning you don’t agree on how
to resolve all the issues of your
marriage to finalize a divorce one of
the options is collaborative so some
people will come in and ask about
mediation some will ask about litigation
one option is collaborative where people
meet with lawyers and sometimes other
members of a professional team like a
family specialist who has a background
in Psychology or a financial specialist
and those people will all work together
as a team and help the parties reach an
agreement on how to resolve all the
issues and the main component of
collaborative is it’s a commitment not
to go to court everybody has to agree
that they’re going to work in good faith
in the collaborative process to reach a

Westchester, NY family law attorney Andrea B. Friedman talks about collaborative divorce.

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