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I’ve been very blessed to do some international work with the collaborative law process. And as a result, I’ve had the opportunity to write and to present in Europe and I very much enjoyed that seeing the variety of different types of systems in place. Quite frankly, I was educated in Louisiana so my law degree is in the civil law tradition, which is different from the common law tradition. The British Isles and the United Kingdom, along with the 49 other states have the common law. With the civil law that really doves well for Europe and lots of other countries and it helps from a cultural basis to understand where families are coming from and where they want to get. And quite frankly, the baseline is that most families want to be able to have a decent, good relationship no matter what culture they’re in or what country they’re in. Many times they just don’t know how to get there and that’s’ what this skillset is about.
Dallas, TX Family Law Attorney, Barbara Cole, talks about the various writings and scholarly lectures she’s done in her past.