Internet & Computer Crimes Defense Attorney in Alexandria, Virginia

What experience do you have handling cyber crimes or internet sex crime cases?

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So when you say cyber crimes I’m taking
that to mean possession of child
pornography and the crime which is
referred to as Internet solicitation or
Internet enticement um internet
enticement is roughly means when an
adult is communicating with a minor or a
police officer pretending to be a minor
about sex on the internet these kind of
cases are all over the place there’s so
many of them the um enforcement of it is
a major priority especially in certain
places so they’re doing sting operations
all the time to try to bring these cases
in there’s an extensive network of
private and public organizations to find
the IP addresses where people are
accessing child pornography and
prosecute them so I have done many many
of them done them for quite a few years
and the reason for that is there’s just
so many of them out there for one thing
but a lot of times in those kind of
cases the client is pretty sympathetic
not contrary to popular opinion in the
sense that a lot of people that get
insens snared in those sting operations
or who have their computer loaded with
this unlawful pornography suffers from
some kind of a personal deficit such as
a developmental disability or you know
at the very least some kind of anxiety
that makes it so that they’re they’d
have a diminished social life this kind
of thing it’s very common it is so well
known that autistic people are more
likely to
be charged with these kind of things or
engage in this kind of behavior that the
Virginia legislature made a law in
2021 specifically to help people with
Autism or a developmental disability
have a chance to get a deferred
on these kind of cases so this is
getting more and more well known but a
big one big thing about these cases too
is the penalties are are very very high
you know so for internet solicitation
there are mandatory minimums that um
that apply for child pornography there
are also mandatory minimums for certain
kinds of charges but the more images you
have the higher the penalty and most
people that have any it’s a lot because
they’re downloading it from websites or
whatever and so you know just one way to
illustrate that I could say for example
is that in Virginia I’m pretty sure this
is true in any state if an 20-year-old
were to have a relationship with a
15-year-old consensual that would be a
misdemeanor but to solicit that
relationship on the internet would be a
felony that carries lifetime sex
registration and probably a prison
sentence even though it never happened
and it was all virtual so that’s the
enforcement power that has been placed
upon these internet
crimes to the extent that they
exceed what would have happened if it
were real

Alexandria, VA criminal defense attorney Chris Leibig talks about the experience he has handling cyber crimes or internet sex crime cases.

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