Internet & Computer Crimes Defense Attorney in Boston, Massachusetts

How do you defend computer crime cases?

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well whenever someone’s charged with a
crime involving a computer the first
thing that you want to do is take a look
at whether or not the police or law
enforcement searched that computer
properly if they obtained a search
warrant to search a computer what was
that search warrant based on was it
based on a legal legally proper basis to
search the computer another thing that
we do very frequently in this office is
that we work with computer forensic
experts whether that’s experts who
specialize in examining cell phones or
desktop computers or laptop computers
getting an expert who can understand the
digital forensic evidence in a case is
absolutely necessary in any criminal
case where someone is accused of
committing a crime using a computer you
need to understand whether or not the
government’s interpretation of the
digital forensic uh evidence is accurate
and if not have an expert on your side
who can help challenge it

Boston, MA criminal defense attorney Dan Gaudet talks about how he defends computer crime cases.

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