How to hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Denton, Texas

What Differentiates Springer & Lyle?

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I think there’s several things. One, Jeff and I have been, Jeff Springer and I, my law partner and I have been working together for over 30 years. Our parents were both educators and schoolteachers. We grew up in this area but our parents really helped us from our values and our standards and we incorporate that in our practice. We’re service orientated and we try to treat people we would want to be treated. I think one of the benefits that our firm has to offer is if you hire Jeff or I, you get the other attorney too. We work on all of our complex cases together. We know each other strengths and weaknesses. It’s been a good team and it’s lasted for a long period of time so I think that’s another benefit.

Texas Personal Injury Attorney, Frank Lyle, talks about why he likes working at his firm. He explains that there are several important aspects to consider. Firstly, my law partner Jeff Springer and I have been working together for over 30 years. Growing up with parents who were educators and schoolteachers, we have inherited their values and high standards, which we incorporate into our practice. We prioritize providing excellent service and treating people the way we would want to be treated.

One significant advantage of our firm is that when you hire either Jeff or me, you also gain the expertise and support of the other attorney. We collaborate on all our complex cases, leveraging our complementary strengths and understanding each other’s weaknesses. This teamwork has been a successful formula for us over the years, and we believe it is a valuable asset we offer to our clients.

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