How to hire a Personal Injury Attorney in St Paul, Minnesota

Hiring an Attorney: FELA Case Experience

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I would think that an individual seeking an attorney wants to know A) that an attorney’s handled more than one case or more than two cases so that the attorney and the law firm has enough experience to know how to handle the cases best and most efficiently for someone. So there’s no exact number of cases that are minimums but years ago, when unions were designating lawyers they used to require lawyers to have tried to a verdict a certain number of cases to be considered to be designated. Those rules have changed and those have disappeared but I think it was a good system to have to have a minimum number of some type so that the person who’s seeking a lawyer knows that this person this lawyer has enough basic experience to represent them zealously.

Saint Paul railroad employee injury attorney William Jungbauer explains why experience in FELA cases is essential for a good lawyer.

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