How to hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Chicago, Illinois

About Jeffrey M. Goldberg Law Offices

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What makes us difference is our experience and the resources we have. We have multiple years of experience between mine and my partner and the other associates in the office. We have an in house nurse; we have advanced technology that we were at the forefront of using technology in personal injury cases, and the dedication of the staff here, which are phenomenal.

The most important thing for the client to do is to pay attention to their recovery following the doctor’s instructions, and let us handle the result and the recovery for them. It’s really important to make sure that they tell us about changes, they tell us about how their condition is going, and that they help us document the story of what they’ve gone through. We need video from them, a day in the life from them, little photos, everything can help us. The more communication the better we can do for them. If they stay in touch with us, we will maximize their recovery.

They can expect the finest that the highest caliber of legal services anywhere. We are dedicated to only handling a few very large, very significant cases. We are not a volume house. We’re not going to take every case. We wean to be able to make sure that for any client we accept we maximize their recovery for themselves, their family, whoever it may be.

Watch this brief introduction video to Chicago, Illinois law firm Jeffrey M. Goldberg Law Offices, featuring medical malpractice attorney, Jeffrey M. Goldberg.

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