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High netw worth cases um are more
complex because they generally involve
far more assets that need to be
identified and valued assets that may be
more complicated in nature stock options
for example deferred compensation plans
if one or both of the spouses are
self-employed and they own a business
you may need a business valuator to
value that business for marital property
purposes also in high net worth cases
typically one of the spouses is a highly
compensated employee that may receive
income from various sorts of
compensation that you need to be aware
of and know what to look for it could be
you know in addition to base
compensation they could receive various
fringe benefits other benefits paid
through the company um stock options
bonuses so it’s important to know what
the kinds of things that come into play
in a high net High net worth uh case uh
for the lawyer to know so that they can
be prepared
Rockville, MD family law attorney Stuart Skok talks about what makes high net worth divorce cases more complex than other divorces.