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so when we learn that we need to go to
the battle or war
and when settlement just does not look
like it’s possible for whatever reason
the first
first thing that we do is really
strategize it’s important to have a
strategy and stick to that strategy as
to how you’re going to approach the case
there are too many documents too many uh
swaying of issues that you need to be
focused on what your strategy is how
you’re going to approach it and then
what you’re going to do about it and
then the second part of it is
if we’re going into battle we are going
to be prepared we’re going to have all
of the documents that we need all of the
analyses that we need we’re going to
have our questions and argument prepared
ahead of time it’s not just going to be
on the fly we don’t shoot from the hip
we come to court prepared we come to
court exactly knowing what we think our
best case and worst case scenario is
going to be and then we’re going to put
on our case and i think also what’s
really important about this is
um knowing your judicial officer so it’s
important to know if your judicial
officer wants you to put on 50 witnesses
and a million documents to provide
evidence to the court of what’s going to
happen or if your judicial officer wants
you to streamline your case present
declarations and rely on other
statements to put on your case because a
judicial officer can get frustrated with
a complex case um or a high conflict
case and and you need to know that ahead
of time going in there so you are on
that correct side of that judge and
putting on the evidence the way they
want it to be put on
Los Angeles, CA family law attorney Marc Garelick discusses his approach to litigating a family law matter.