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so a high amount worth divorce is very
similar to any other type of divorce
except based upon the complexity of the
finances often times in a matrimonial
action if we’re dealing with high net
worth assets you’re often going to see
other experts be involved perhaps a CPA
or other tax consultant to look at
certain tax implications of how
transactions will occur from the divorce
perhaps we’re talking about business
interests or other types of assets that
require an accountant to Value them in
order to understand their true value
it’s not something you can just look at
a paper statement so often times in a
high net worth divorce you’re going to
bring in some other Financial expert or
professional who can help assist the
lawyer and then the client understand
different options and how to facilitate
either a resolution of that particular
asset or just helping a spouse
understand the financial complexities
perhaps they weren’t really involved in
it as much during the marriage and
they’re looking to have more of an
education and autonomy going forward to
understand their own finances you bring
that in as well
Westchester, NY family law attorney Andrea B. Friedman talks about the process for dividing complex assets in a high net-worth divorce.